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Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Final Frontier

     For our assignment we were to create a presentation touching on the subject covered in the article "The Final Frontier" by Peggy A. Ertmer. In the article Ertmer goes over such topics as, the usefulness of technology in education, the belief systems currently held by a great deal of teachers, and what steps can be taken to change these beliefs with the final goal being full integration of technology in the classroom. She references statistics and the thoughts of other experts to enforce the idea of changing the current and future belief system so that seamless use of technology is possible. As part of our assignment we had to create the presentation entirely through the Google Drive. This allowed us to each work on one group presentation on separate computers in real time. This gave us great fluidity to the manipulate our presentation as a group. The final result being a clear, effective, and to the point presentation. In our presentation we reviewed some of the issues that prevent beliefs from being changed. We also included several slides that outline the perks of technology in the classroom. These slides contained a video supporting technology integration, facts found in the article, and links to other sources of support.To conclude, here is our final draft of the presentation.            


  1. I like how you had a lot of information posted in text along with your slides. Not many people did that.

  2. I like your presentation it was well designed. It was also very informational.

  3. Your presentation was very informative. It was full of a lot of information. I prefer power points that have less text, but you did a great job. I really enjoyed this article as well. It really put things into perspective.
