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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

All About me

Yes, it is a gallon jug of Tabasco Sauce
     My name is Stephen Sajewski. I'm currently in my second semester of my sophomore year here at Edinboro University. My major is Middle Level Education: Science and Social Studies. I was born and raised in Erie Pennsylvania. I went to Grover Cleveland Elementary from kindergarten to 8th grade, which was absurdly boring. For high school I attended Colligate Academy. It provided me with a great education, though I didn't entirely enjoy it. About me personally, I am lightly obsessed with cars, enjoy hockey and soccer, love spicy food, and, of course, play video games.
     I believe that technology in the classroom is completely vital. From a personal standpoint, I know that my note taking has improved ten fold with the use of a laptop in class. Using Smartboards and similar technology allows for a greater level of visual and adaptive teaching in any number of situations. Having access to computers in class grants students with a nearly limitless amount of supporting resources as well a great place to keep all the information learned safe and organized.
     As a teacher I will certainly use technology as much as I can to help achieve my classroom goals, chief among which is instilling a love of science in the students. I will do my best to incorporate a myriad of different technologies in developing the way I present information to my students. This will include everything from sources to good information online to making my own educational videos to using Photoshop to create custom visual images. To the point, technology will have a place in all aspects of my classroom.

Here is a small example of something I tossed together in Photoshop (Go Red Wings!)